There is ne'er a instance in enthusiasm when material possession are not shifting - when one picture of truth does not confer way since another, or one causal agent whom we are fixed next to or other does not go through with a relocation that changes them, or a setting we find ourselves in turns out not to be what we expected it to be. There is no event of interruption in life's never-ending flow, nevertheless it may occur on the seeming of holding For even in the still contemporary world of peace, belongings that are of the planned are being prepared, and the end of one state of matter is just now on the horizon, ready for the side by side form to begin. This is the make-up of life's incessant movement, and it is sector of mental object to swot how to shift beside it.
Ordinarily, when swing that comes into outlook is positive, valuable, hoped for, and appreciated, within is tiny reflection given to what will come up adjacent because the immediateness of the delight, pleasure, or support taken in what is, is what we aim to bathe ourselves in. But when transmission brings beside it illness, or loss, or limitation, or helplessness, or an end to what may have appeared to be a anticipated possibility, consequently the inquiring of what comes adjacent is totally substantially in the vista of consciousness, since the heart's ache is to be unconstrained of cut and pain, and the hankering in the thick of either is ever that here be a 'next' - a close phase, chapter, or development in which the twinge or shortening will be gone. Depression regularly occurs when this hoped for side by side section of beingness does not feel definite or assertable.